Monday, December 3, 2007

Why Do You Want To Learn Spanish?

So let’s get started shall we? I know that you want to learn Spanish; you probably wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. What I think is important, is for you to ask yourself, “Why do I want to learn Spanish?” I know that I wanted to learn Spanish so that I would have a much stronger resume, but I know that isn’t the only reason that other people want to learn it, not by far. I was curious about this, so I did quite a bit of research, and I discovered that there are three main reasons that people do it. Reason number one by far was the same reason that I wanted to. So that people will have a much stronger resume, and will be able remain competitive.

Within 10 years, Spanish will be spoken by over 25% of the U.S as a primary language. Having the skills to interact with this huge chunk of people will be an invaluable skill. The second reason is that people want to make vacations to Spanish speaking countries more enjoyable. Let’s face it, if you go to Madrid without speaking at least some Spanish, you will be able to get by, but you will enjoy and appreciate the experience so much better if you can converse with people. You will be able to tour the sites, learn about the customs, order food and basically have a much improved time. The third reason, is because many people have always wanted to learn it, just to prove to themselves that they can. All of these are great reasons, and all of them should serve as a goal that will keep you motivated. If you ever feel discouraged, try to think about why you decided to do this, and keep in mind how much you really want to accomplish your goal.

If you are starting to really get into this pursuit, and are saying to yourself “I’m interested in learning about tools to help teach me Spanish”, then I will be doing some reviews on different products that really helped me , and will hopefully help you to get a solid grasp on speaking Spanish.

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